
Showing posts from September, 2021

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The earth has enough for every man's need, but not for every mans greed. - Gandhi Humans have behaved so arrogantly antagonistic to the rest of the entire biome, we deserve everything that we are gonna get. Hopefully there will be life forms that will eventually survive and proclaim in a loud voice that Man was NOT "the measure of all things". Sea level rise might take a while, but we already feel the effect of changing weather patterns resulting in forest fires etc. The domino effect is in full motion. "When the forests are no more and the rivers, lakes and ocean are polluted, that's the time we will realize we cannot drink oil and eat money." Never confuse politicians with leaders. Politics is why we are where we're at. Keeping the corporate profit machine going is all that matters to polit...

2 min video. Harmful Alga Bloom At Pyramid Lake, Public Urged to Avoid Water Contact


56 min video. How Humans Are Destroying The Last Coral Reefs | The Coral Reefs Are Dying | Earth Stories

Australia’s Great Barrier Reef is wonderful, beautiful – and alive. But for how long? Originally filmed in 1993, this documentary looks at one of the few remaining live coral reefs and why the coral reefs around the world are still dying 28 years later. The only thing more depressing than watching this video is watching this video 28 years later with the knowledge we have continued to put big business profit ahead of people and planet even though we knew better. Like all plague's the human race has peaked now it has used up all the resources and our inevitable decline is next.

28 min video. Bayer and the bees | DW Documentary

Insecticides are sometimes necessary in farming. But some substances, like neonicotinoids, kill not only pests but bees as well. Now the Bayer Group, one of the main manufacturers of these pesticides, is coming under pressure. Scientists around the world have found that neonicotinoids are the main cause of mass bee deaths. Research has shown that a number of insecticides should have been banned long ago. For years, the Bayer Group has sought to silence the critics and pressure scientists into not publishing their findings. For more than two decades, experts have been warning of the negative effects of neonicotinoids, with a whole range of studies published on the subject. It would appear that the industry, aided by the authorities, managed to successfully delay any ban on these substances for years. Studies show that neonicotinoids not only kill pests, but also bees and other beneficial insects. Dutch toxicologist Henk Tennekes was among the first to recognize the problem. He believe...

28 min video. Profit vs. ethics: Saving livestock from the slaughterhouse | DW Documentary

Dairy cows are calculated to be profitable for only six years in industrial farming. After that, the long-suffering dairy cows get sent to the slaughterhouse. An association in Germany is working to save as many animals as possible from this fate. Matthias Obenhack runs a family farm in central Germany. But he is in serious financial trouble. His cows and pigs are no longer turning him a profit. An animal rights activist and an agricultural economist come to his aid. But, initially, he can barely get his head around what they are proposing. Julya Dünzl and Timo Geuß want to save Obenhack’s livestock from the slaughterhouse and help the young farmer transform his farm into a place where animals can live without serving a human need. He has long had ethical doubts about modern livestock farming methods. Nevertheless, he at first finds it difficult to wrap his head around the notion that a dairy cow shouldn’t have to produce milk, that pigs should be left to live their lives, and that la...

15 min video. Revealing an Invisible Threat In Texas Oil Country

In West Texas, vast quantities of methane, a powerful greenhouse gas, are leaking into the atmosphere. Specialized cameras that can detect the invisible pollutant are helping to expose the problem. Fossil fuel executive overheard: ""Methane? Yikes! Let's blame cows. No dent in our profits."" Methane gas also escapes around the outer diameter of the pipe that emerges from the ground. As someone that once worked for TCEQ, I can tell you it is a handful of agents/case workers who get about 4 new cases a week with each case having a work shelf life of 6 months. That means each worker has about 30-40 cases at any given point, with every single gas station and abandoned underground gas tank (farms, etc) in the roll. You have to go bigger, TCEQ won't have the manpower to help.

27 min video. Illegal Sand Mining Is Ruining These Countries' Ecosystems

'Bad Goods' is a documentary series for Vice News looking at the worldwide illicit trade market, from wildlife trafficking, counterfeit item selling and sand mining. It will follow key people, from enforcement to traffickers, at the heart of the trade and explore what is behind the demand for illicit products. This episode explores the business of sand mining. My grandmother's town is devastated by illigal sand mining. Thanks vice for the mind-blowing journalism. Wrecking the environment like this is like selling your own children. Unfortunately living a hand to mouth existence makes one short-sighted. I really admire the strong spirit and bravery of this woman. She's confronting influential and powerful people behind this corruption and illegal activities and yet she is standing and fighting for the rights of minorities. I'm wishing you Maam good health and protection. If this has been done to the Philippines you'll never see the sun. Greed and corruption is on...

30 min video. Mercury, the dangerous liquid metal

Mercury is crucial to small-scale gold mining in South America but increasing scrutiny of its health and environmental impact in the Amazon is leading to its prohibition throughout the continent. This investigation delves into the underworld of mercury, following its path from Guyana to neighboring Suriname, exploring the health and environmental consequences, and what the prohibition of mercury would mean for the livelihoods of miners and communities across the Amazon. ‘MERCURY’ is a film by Tom Laffay, produced by InfoAmazonia, a data journalism initiative which reports on the Amazon. It forms part of a wider investigation called ‘Mercury - Chasing the Quicksilver’ led by journalist Bram Ebus. Read more here: Banning materials without providing a replacement, has and will never work. As the man said, only large scale mining companies will be able to do it. But that’s the whole point today. Transfer the wealth to large corporations, as the US d...